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Aperte le candidature per il Master on Heritage-led sustainable strategies for rural regeneration

Interested in a one-year part-time programme filled with various activities to broaden your knowledge of Heritage as a tool for rural development? Do not miss RURITAGE’s professional Master’s Programme on ‘Heritage-led sustainable strategies for rural regeneration’.

This programme, targeted at those who already have a second cycle degree is open to all who are interested in further learning about how to regenerate rural areas through heritage. The course specifically targets practitioners such as planners, civil servants, and employees of NGOs and local development agencies. The aim is to give the students the necessary knowledge, skills, and tools to manage cultural and natural heritage aimed at the regeneration of rural territories and communities.

The Master, which is lead by two high profile universities – University of Bologna and the Polytechnic University of Turin, includes contributions by a number of institutions, including UNESCO and its UNESCO Global Geoparks. UNESCO has an active role in the Master’s implementation and teaching in dedicated modules. Psiloritis UNESCO Global Geopark (Crete, Greece) will be a host for student-training and internship opportunities.


During the first semester starting in January 2021 in Turin, Italy, teaching focus will be set on rural regeneration, digital humanities, ICT for cultural and natural heritage, and impact assessment for rural regeneration. This semester is dedicated to a blended teaching model, with students attending online and in-class at the same time (according to the general health situation and the students’ choice). The programme will guarantee online training during the first semester of 2021 or for as long as Covid-19 related restrictive measures are enforced.

During the second teaching module in Crete, Greece, the master’s programme will arrange several workshops at Psiloritis UNESCO Global Geopark. The students will learn more about managing and using the tools developed for rural regeneration within the RURITAGE project.

During the third module in Bologna, Italy, the focus will be on rural regeneration, digital humanities, ICT for cultural and natural heritage, as well as cultural ecosystem services and sustainability. The final exam will take place in Bologna or online on 18 December 2021.


The deadline for applications is 30 November 2020.

Please visit the Master webpage for more details.

RURITAGE is a 4-year EU-funded project under the Horizon 2020 programme, aiming to create a new paradigm for the regeneration of the rural space by using its unique Cultural and Natural Heritage (CNH) as a driver to boost sustainable development and increase competitiveness. More than forty rural communities around the world are involved and are already implementing several actions created in the scope of the project.
