UNEP/FAO – Lancio del rapporto congiunto Sustainable Food Cold Chains

Amid food and climate crises, investing in sustainable food cold chains crucial New UN report highlights how lack of effective refrigeration directly results in the...

FAO – Alarming signs as the global food import bill set...

FAO Food Outlook forecasts point to somewhat easing world market conditions, but increasing uncertainties 11/11/2022 Rome – The world food import bill is estimated to rise...

FAO alla Conferenza ONU sul clima COP 27

FAO at the UN Climate Change Conference COP27 Sharm El-Sheikh, 06 November – 18 November 2022 This year’s United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) is taking...

FAO – Gli aiuti di emergenza assistono gli allevatori afghani in...

La FAO aiuta i pastori e contribuisce ad aumentare la resilienza delle famiglie rurali Recarsi al mercato locale può essere per Zulaikha, una donna vedova...

IAEA and FAO send seeds to International Space Station

Mission aims to help develop crops able to adapt to climate change on earth 07/11/2022 Virginia, US/Rome/Vienna - The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the...

FAO – GIAHS: Cina, Messico, Marocco e Spagna ottengono altri siti,...

Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems: China, Mexico, Morocco and Spain get additional sites, along with first one in Thailand Five new GIAHS sites announced as...

FAO/UNICEF/WFP – Sud Sudan, crisi climatica e conflitto causano fame e...

Comunicato stampa congiunto FAO/UNICEF/WFP    3 novembre 2022 SUD SUDAN: CRISI CLIMATICA E CONFLITTO CAUSANO FAME E MALNUTRIZIONE La percentuale di persone che affrontano una grave...

FAO – Lo stato dell’alimentazione e dell’agricoltura 2022: sfruttare l’automazione per...

Il rapporto faro esamina i timori legati alla perdita di lavoro e alle disuguaglianze 02/11/2022 Roma - L’automazione agricola, che spazia dai trattori fino all’intelligenza artificiale, può...

FAO – Celebrare la “cultura” in agricoltura: vent’anni di esperienza

I sistemi di patrimonio agricolo di importanza mondiale mettono in luce secoli di tecniche e tradizioni   Splendidi paesaggi naturali evolutisi nell'arco dei secoli, i...

COP27: Primo Padiglione ufficiale della FAO

Putting agrifood systems transformation at the heart of the UN Climate Change Conference 26/10/2022 The United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), CGIAR and The Rockefeller...

FAO – World Food Forum: Youth leaders ask policy makers to...

Through advocacy and scientific innovation, young people at the Global Youth Forum seek to galvanise policy-making to transform agrifood systems 20/10/2022 Rome – Young people laid...

FAO – World Food Forum: Scienza, tecnologia e innovazione al centro...

Science and Innovation Forum aims to explore the major scientific developments and discuss the opportunities they present 19/10/2022 Rome – The World Food Forum’s first ever...

FAO – World Food Forum: Young people’s role in transforming agrifood...

Young people will discuss and advocate for ways to ensure access to safe, sustainable, nutritious food and healthy diets. 18/10/2022 Rome - The World Food Forum’s...

Speech by FAO Director-General QU Dongyu – World Food Forum

WORLD FOOD FORUM 2022 Speech by FAO Director-General QU Dongyu Opening Ceremony 17 October 2022 Excellences,Ladies and Gentlemen,Good afternoon from FAO HQ in Rome. Today is a very...

Si apre alla FAO il World Food Forum, 17-21 ottobre

World Food Forum opens to galvanize youth engagement, science and innovation and investment in transforming agrifood systems FAO Director-General highlights the crucial role of young...