FAO – World Food Forum: Scienza, tecnologia e innovazione al centro...

Science and Innovation Forum aims to explore the major scientific developments and discuss the opportunities they present 19/10/2022 Rome – The World Food Forum’s first ever...

FAO – World Food Forum: Young people’s role in transforming agrifood...

Young people will discuss and advocate for ways to ensure access to safe, sustainable, nutritious food and healthy diets. 18/10/2022 Rome - The World Food Forum’s...

Speech by FAO Director-General QU Dongyu – World Food Forum

WORLD FOOD FORUM 2022 Speech by FAO Director-General QU Dongyu Opening Ceremony 17 October 2022 Excellences,Ladies and Gentlemen,Good afternoon from FAO HQ in Rome. Today is a very...

Si apre alla FAO il World Food Forum, 17-21 ottobre

World Food Forum opens to galvanize youth engagement, science and innovation and investment in transforming agrifood systems FAO Director-General highlights the crucial role of young...

FAO – Cinque modi in cui scienza, tecnologia e innovazione aiutano...

Trovare nuove soluzioni per un futuro alimentare migliore  Si calcola che, entro il 2050, la popolazione mondiale supererà la soglia dei nove miliardi e che...

One Health Joint Plan of Action launched to address health threats...

The initiative by the Quadripartite - FAO, UNEP, WHO and WOAH – also aims to contribute to sustainable development 17/10/2022 Geneva, Nairobi, Paris, Rome – Today,...

FAO – Giornata Mondiale dell’Alimentazione 2022: l’appello a non lasciare nessuno...

Giornata mondiale dell’alimentazione 2022: l’appello a non lasciare nessuno indietro giunge in un momento critico per la sicurezza alimentare mondiale Papa Francesco, il Segretario Generale...

Dichiarazione del Direttore Generale della FAO QU Dongyu – Giornata Mondiale...

Statement by FAO Director-General QU Dongyu WORLD FOOD DAY 2022 14 October 2022 Excellences, Ladies and Gentlemen,Dear Colleagues and Friends, World Food Day 2022 is unprecedented in history.First: we...

FAO – World Food Forum 2022, 17-21 October

From 17-21 October, the second edition of the World Food Forum (WFF) will take place at FAO headquarters in Rome as well as in virtual form World...

FAO ready to help map a pathway out of global food...

Director-General addresses G20 Joint Finance and Agriculture Ministers Meeting 11/10/2022 Rome - Risk factors that could push today’s food access crisis into tomorrow’s food availability crisis...

FAO – World Food Day 2022: Leave no one behind, 14...

World Food Day 2022: Leave no one behind  Global ceremony at FAO with messages from Pope Francis, UN Secretary-General Guterres and Italy’s President Mattarella World Food...

L’indice FAO dei prezzi dei prodotti alimentari in flessione per il...

A spingere l’indice verso il basso in settembre sono i prezzi degli oli vegetali 07/10/2022 Roma - L’asticella dei prezzi mondiali dei generi alimentari si è abbassata...

FAO and Italy’s Carabinieri renew collaboration for the protection of the...

Partnership also aims to enhance the exchange of technical expertise and to foster institutional capacity development 04/10/2022 Rome – The Food and Agriculture Organization of the...

Global Event: International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste...

International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste  A triple win opportunity for food security, sustainability and the planet - Global event on 29...

Second Joint Statement by the Heads of FAO, IMF, WBG, WFP,...

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Director General Qu Dongyu, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva, World Bank Group...