COVID-19: Aggiornamenti dal sistema ONU – 4 Maggio


Watch the @WHO press conference for the latest updates on the global #COVID19 response, Each Monday, Wednesday & Friday from 3pm GMT:

Statement on the third meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) Emergency Committee regarding the outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) (1 May 2020):

WHO and European Investment Bank strengthen efforts to combat COVID-19 and build resilient health systems to face future pandemics (1 May 2020):


COVID-19 pandemic remains public health emergency of international concern (2 May 2020):

WHO/Europe COVID-19 mission on route to Tajikistan at Government’s request (1 May 2020):

Vital health protection steps must be continued during COVID-19 (30 April 2020):

UN News

COVID-19 pandemic exposes global ‘frailties and inequalities’: UN deputy chief (3 May 2020):

COVID-19 impact could be ‘disastrously high’ in poverty-stricken Malawi (2 May 2020):

First person: South Korea’s COVID-19 success story (1 May 2020):

Global health experts advise WHO to identify animal source of COVID-19 virus (1 May 2020):

Millions of missing airmiles: How the UN civil aviation agency is helping airlines take off again (1 May 2020):

‘Rights and dignity’ of older people must be respected during COVID-19 and beyond (1 May 2020):

Journalists provide ‘antidote’ to COVID-19 misinformation, UN chief says ahead of World Press Freedom Day (1 May 2020):

Vaccine bottlenecks from COVID lockdown put children’s lives at stake: UNICEF (1 May 2020):

Lift Cuba embargo or risk many lives lost to COVID-19, UN rights experts warn US (30 April 2020):

UN chief calls for ‘solidarity, unity and hope’ in battling COVID-19 pandemic (30 April 2020):

UN chief calls for ‘solidarity, unity and hope’ in battling COVID-19 pandemic (30 April 2020):

COVID-19 can’t stop the music on International Jazz Day (30 April 2020):

Coronavirus and human rights: New guidance highlights support for persons with disabilities (30 April 2020):

Greta Thunberg launches campaign to support UNICEF protection efforts against COVID-19 (30 April 2020):

How can schools open up again safely? The UN has some new guidelines (30 April 2020):

UN prepares for potentially devastating COVID-19 outbreak in conflict-ravaged northeast Nigeria (30 April 2020):


Education and COVID-19: UN helps children continue their learning (1 May 2020):

Preventing a pandemic-induced food emergency / by Tijjani Muhammad-Bande (1 May 2020):

“Our response to COVID-19 must respect the rights and dignity of older people” / by António Guterres (1 May 2020):

UN combats disinformation during pandemic (30 April 2020):

“The pandemic is exposing and exploiting inequalities of all kinds, including gender inequality” / by António Guterres (30 April 2020):

Five ways the UN is fighting ‘infodemic’ of misinformation (30 April 2020):

“Our response to COVID-19 must respect the rights and dignity of older people” / by António Guterres (30 April 2020):

COVID-19: Using economic stimulus to reduce the long-term hunger impact (30 April 2020):


COVID-19 recovery measures could prevent widening inequalities due to pandemic (1 May 2020):

UN/DESA Policy Brief #65: Responses to the COVID-19 catastrophe could turn the tide on inequality:

UN/DESA Policy Brief #66: COVID-19 and the least developed countries:

UN/DESA Policy Brief #64: The COVID-19 pandemic puts Small Island Developing economies in dire straits:

UN/DESA Policy Brief #63: The COVID-19 pandemic: A speedy and balanced recovery of Europe will remain critical for the world to return to the trajectory of sustainable development:  

Join UN DESA’s Assistant Secretary-General for Policy Coordination and Inter-Agency Affairs Maria-Francesca Spatolisano and UN DESA experts for the second UN DESA Webinar on COVID-19: Strengthening Science and Technology and Addressing Inequalities on 6 May 2020, from 10 am to 12 noon EDT. Register by 4 May here:

The event will also be streamed live via FB:


In Video Message Launching Policy Brief on Older Persons, Secretary-General Says COVID-19 Response Must Respect Their Rights, Dignity (SG/SM/20068, 1 May 2020):

Policy Brief: The Impact of COVID-19 on older persons:

With over 3 Million Jobs Lost amid COVID-19 Pandemic, Honouring Dignity of Work Key to Building Back Better, Secretary-General Says on International Labour Day (SG/SM/20067, 1 May 2020):


Postponement of Meetings to be held in June, 1 May 2020, Letter dated 1 May 2020 regarding the postponement of meetings scheduled for the month of June.


Press Conference by Security Council President (Estonia) on Work Programme for May (1 May 2020):


A community of farmers and fisherfolk, a community of heroes: The resilience of Valencia’s “L’Horta” in times of COVID-19 (30 April 2020):

COVID-19: Using economic stimulus to reduce the long-term hunger impact: New FAO Policy Brief analyzes pandemic-driven recession’s threat to global hunger levels (30 April 2020):


IAEA Nuclear Reactor Simulators See Rise in Use as Learning Continues amid Lockdown (1 May 2020):

Radiation Effective in Sterilizing Personal Protective Equipment Except For Respiratory Masks – IAEA (30 April 2020):


1.5 billion fewer international air travellers this year according to latest ICAO forecast (30 April 2020):


Empowering and protecting rural women in the time of coronavirus (4 May 2020):


COVID-19 and Workers’Organizations : Interview with Sharan Burrow… (4 May 2020):–en/index.htm   

Seafarers and fishers – Providing vital services during the COVID-19 pandemic (30 April 2020):–en/index.htm

COVID-19 and the new meaning of safety and health at work (30 April 2020):


A “New Deal” for Informal Workers in Asia (30 April 2020):

COVID-19 Pandemic and the Caribbean: Navigating Uncharted Waters (29 April 2020):


IMO postpones further meetings due to COVID-19 but begins rescheduling plans (30 April 2020):


IOM Maintains COVID-19 Support for Vulnerable Migrant Communities in Cyprus (1 May 2020):

IOM Asia-Pacific Appeals for USD 90.7 Million as Confirmed COVID-19 Cases Top 310,000 Across Region (1 May 2020):

COVID-19 Crisis: Over 2,000 Stranded Chadian Students Return Home Through The EU-IOM Joint Initiative (1 May 2020):


In the response to COVID-19, children are key and part of the solution (1 May 2020):

ITU’s COVID-19 response: Here’s what I told G20 Digital Economy Ministers today (30 April 2020):

How Australia’s contact tracing app aims to slow the spread of COVID-19 (30 April 2020):


From billboards to bread: how humanitarian agencies are raising awareness of Covid-19 risks (1 May 2020):

Floods cause destruction in Burundi amid the COVID-19 pandemic (1 May 2020):

COVID-19: UN humanitarian air deliveries provide lifeline to people in need (1 May 2020):

A personal take on lockdown in Baghdad’s Green Zone (1 May 2020):

Afghanistan: UN and humanitarian partners deliver supplies in COVID-19 response (30 April 2020):

UN CERF helps to maintain humanitarian air services amid COVID-19 (30 April 2020):

Coronavirus: rescEU masks delivered to Spain, Italy and Croatia:


Deutsche Welle 2020 Freedom of Speech award: Honoring all journalists who have been disappeared, arrested or threatened because of their reporting on COVID-19, Video message by Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, 30 April 2020:   

COVID-19 crisis highlights urgent need to transform global economy, says new UN poverty expert (1 May 2020):

New series “Voices from the Field” – Protecting human rights in Moldova amidst COVID-19 (30 April 2020):

Human Rights Council discusses human rights implications of the COVID-19 crisis with its special procedures mandate holders (30 April 2020):

US must lift its Cuba embargo to save lives amid COVID-19 crisis, say UN experts (30 April 2020): 


UN-Habitat and EIB strengthen cooperation to improve cities and provide handwashing facilities to prevent COVID-19 (30 April 2020):

Even During a Lockdown, Public Transport Can Be a Lifeline (30 April 2020):

UN-Habitat’s COVID-19 response kicks off in Marawi City in Philippines amid post-conflict rehabilitation (29 April 2020): 


Opinion: We must act together to beat COVID-19 in Africa (3 May 2020):

Feature story: Paying tribute to care workers during an online Labour Day event (with Oxfam Denmark) (1 May 2020):

Feature story: “The concern did not just come from the community, but also the health workers” (1 May 2020):


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me: The lessons of history illustrate the critical role of local governments in pandemic responses. What have we learnt? (29 April 2020):


Securing access to financial services for vulnerable people during COVID-19 (1 May 2020):

COVID-19: Senegalese e-payment company shows resilience in a time of crisis (30 April 2020):


Asia-Pacific COVID-19 Webinars (1 April 2020):

CEPREDENAC creates a platform for improved pandemic management in the region (29 April 2020): 


Coronavirus pandemic won’t affect Africa-EU relations (30 April 2020): 


UN supports socio-economic response to COVID-19 crisis in Europe and Central Asia (1 April 2020):


The Executive Director’s Statement to the 150th Meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives (30 April 2020):


FACTS – global media campaign:

#Press Freedom : Journalism & COVID-19:

Lyon’s cultural institutions go digital during confinement (4 May 2020):

Online creative contests in Valladolid, UNESCO Creative City of Film (4 May 2020):

With COVID-19, journalism faces new challenges just when the world needs it most, says UNESCO report (30 April 2020):

Journalists struggle to work free from fear or favour, new UNESCO study says (30 April 2020):

Education ministers share plans for the reopening of schools after COVID-19 closures (30 April 2020):

COVID-19 school closures: Why girls are more at risk (29 April 2020):

UNESCO handbook on “Journalism, Fake News & Disinformation” to be translated into 30 new languages (30 April 2020):


News comment on search and rescue in the Central Mediterranean by Gillian Triggs, Assistant High Commissioner for Protection at UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency (1 May 2020):

Displaced people urgently need aid and access to social safety nets as coronavirus causes severe hardship (1 May 2020):

Refugees across Arab world feel economic pain of coronavirus (1 May 2020):


Geneva Palais briefing note on the impact of COVID-19 mitigation measures on vaccine supply and logistics (1 May 2020):

Greta Thunberg and NGO Human Act launch a child rights driven coronavirus campaign for UNICEF (30 April 2020):


E4J’s Zorbs help children stay safe from COVID-19 in Lebanon (30 April 2020):


COVID-19: Stay up-to-date with the latest on UNOPS support to response efforts:     


WIDER Webinar Series | How is COVID-19 changing development? | Launching 12 May:

UNU-WIDER ongoing work on the effect of COVID-19 on the economies, states, and societies of the Global South:  

UNU-IIGH: Driving Evidence-Based Policy for COVID-19 (1 May 2020):

UNU-EHS and COVID-19 (30 April 2020):

UNU-MERIT: On the virtual frontline: ‘Ensuring education while protecting the well-being of everyone’ (1 April 2020):

UNU-MERIT: Can home-grown social innovations slow the spread of COVID-19? Here’s our story from India, Europe & beyond (27 April 2020):


Message from Madrid: No Time to Waste as Lost Working Hours Devastate Lives (1 May 2020):


Diversity born of adversity: How mail routes are changing in the COVID-19 era (1 May 2020):

Posts provide essential social and financial services during pandemics and beyond (30 April 2020):


COVID-19: Humanitarian air deliveries to Africa ramped up with dispatch from UN’s new cargo hub in Belgium (1 May 2020):

New guidelines provide roadmap for safe reopening of schools (30 April 2020):

WFP launches a global humanitarian hub in China to support efforts against COVID-19 (30 April 2020):

School feeding at home (30 April 2020):

The WFP humanitarian who went from tackling Ebola to COVID-19 (30 April 2020):

The coronavirus hotline for Libyans that is inundated with calls (30 April 2020):


DDG Wolff: Reliance on international trade for food security likely to grow (30 April 2020):


COVID-19 Support to Europe and Central Asia from World Bank Tops $1.4 Billion, as Anna Bjerde Becomes Regional Vice President (4 April 2020):

World Bank Education and COVID-19 (30 April 2020):

COVID-19 Makes Handwashing Facilities and Promotion More Critical Than Ever (30 April 2020):

European Union Newsroom:

Coronavirus Global Response – International Pledging Conference:
