Eventi delle Nazioni Unite in vista della COP26

Eventi relativi all’azione delle Nazioni Unite per il clima in vista della COP26

25 to 29 October

More information is available on the UN Climate website. Please also check out the comprehensive Climate Action trello board, which includes information on the events below, as well as the COP26 Trello Board created by DGC, where you will find a link to adaptable files for your use.

Please note that another note with messaging and resources on COP26 will be shared later this week.

Monday, 25 October

UNDP – G20 Peoples’ Climate Vote – #PeoplesClimateVote

  • Ahead of the G20 Summit in Rome (30 to 31 Oct), the UN Development Programme, in collaboration of Oxford University, releases a major new poll which shows that a growing majority of people across G20 countries see climate change as a crisis, with strongest demands for climate action amongst those under the age of
  • Country-specific data is available from G20 countries including Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Republic of Korea, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, UK and the More information is attached.
  • UNDP Administrator, Achim Steiner, will be the guest at the Spokesman’s noon briefing on 25 Oct at 12 m. EST. Watch live on UN Web TV.

Report: https://www.undp.org/publications/g20-peoples-climate-vote-2021

Press Release:


Trello Board: https://trello.com/b/EuPiEhYh/peoples-climate-vote

UNFCCC – Updated NDC Synthesis Report – #ClimateAction

  • The latest NDC synthesis report, confirms that for all available NDCs of all 192 Parties taken together, a sizable increase, of about 16%, in global GHG emissions in 2030 compared to 2010 is anticipated. Comparison to the latest findings by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) shows that such an increase, unless changed quickly, may lead to a temperature rise of about 7°C by the end of the century.
  • The update looked at information from the 165 latest available NDCs, representing all 192 Parties to the Paris Agreement, including the 116 new or updated NDCs communicated by 143 Parties as on 12 October 2021, compared to 86 new or updated NDCs covered by the full report launched in
  • The update confirms the need to urgently redouble climate efforts to prevent global temperature increases beyond the Paris Agreement’s goal of below 2C – ideally 5C – by the end of the century.

Update: https://unfccc.int/documents/307628

Press Release: https://unfccc.int/news/updated-ndc-synthesis-report-worrying-trends-confirmed

Trello Board: https://trello.com/c/vW9ZwZSk/599-unfccc-ndc-synthesis-report-update-25-october

WMO – Greenhouse Gas Bulletin – #GreenhouseGas

  • The abundance of heat-trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere once again reached a new record last year, with the annual rate of increase above the 2011-2020 average. That trend has continued in 2021, according to WMO’S latest Greenhouse Gas
  • The report confirms that the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2), the most important greenhouse gas, reached

413.2 parts per million in 2020 and is 149% of the pre-industrial level. Methane (CH4) is 262% and nitrous oxide (N2O) is 123% of the levels in 1750 when human activities started disrupting Earth’s natural equilibrium.

Website:  https://library.wmo.int/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=21975#.YXbCLS-cbh8

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkV-ipobG8A

Tuesday, 26 October

UNEP – Emission Gap Report – #EmissionsGap (Embargo: 26 October 9:15am EST/4:15pm EAT/3:15pm CET)

  • Now in its 12th year, the report provides a yearly review of the difference between where greenhouse emissions are predicted to be in 2030 and where they should be to avoid the worst impacts of climate
  • Subtitled “The heat is on,” in addition to emissions data, the report looks at the potential of methane and market mechanisms — methane emissions are the second largest contributor to global warming. It also re-confirms that the COVID-19 recovery opportunity was largely
  • New and updated NDCs, together with announced mitigation pledges for 2030, only slightly narrow the gap between where emissions should be in 2030 to meet the Paris Agreement goals and where pledges will bring them.
  • The UN Secretary-General and UNEP Executive Director Inger Andersen will brief the press on 26 Oct at 9:15 m. EST / 4:15 p.m. EAT. The event will be streamed live on UN Web TV.

Embargoed materials: https://bit.ly/3jnMcz3

Landing page: https://www.unep.org/unep-climate-cop26

Key Messages in languages: https://bit.ly/3nd51Wx

Trello Board: https://trello.com/b/2xMMKSbT/emissionsgap-report-2021

WMO – State of the Climate in Asia 2020 Report

  • Produced by the WMO, the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) and the UN Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UNSCWA), and climate, socioeconomic and policy experts in Asia and from international, scientific and technical institutions, provides a snapshot of climate trends, extreme weather, and associated risks and impacts in key
  • Asia had its warmest year on record in 2020, with the mean temperature 39 °C above the 1981–2010 average. There were many notable heat extremes, including a temperature of 38.0°C at Verkhoyansk, Russian Federation, provisionally the highest known temperature anywhere north of the Arctic Circle.
  • The report highlights lessons for climate action in Asia and identifies pathways for addressing critical gaps and
  • There will be a launch event on 26 Oct the WMO Secretary-General, Petteri Taalas, UNESCAP Executive Secretary Armida Alisjahbanah and UNESCWA Executive Secretary Rola Register here to attend.

Website: https://public.wmo.int/en/events/meetings/launch-of-report-state-of-climate-asia-2020-online

Tuesday, 26 October, 10 a.m. EST

OPGA – High-level Talk on Climate Action – #Deliver4Climate

  • The President of the General Assembly will convene a high-level As part of the president’s commitment to environmental action, the high-level dialogue intends to refocus the global narrative around climate change,

emphasizing demonstrable evidence of climate action globally. The event will be available live on UN Web TV.

Website: https://www.un.org/pga/76/event/deliver_climate_action/

Programme: https://www.un.org/pga/76/2021/10/21/letter-regarding-the-programme-for-the-26-october-climate-event/

UNDP – Don’t Choose Extinction Campaign

  • UNDP will launch a flagship campaign on climate More information will be available soon.

Wednesday, 27 October, 1 to 2 p.m. EST

The Time Is Now – A COP26 Primer for Journalists

  • The UN Foundation and the Society of Environmental Journalists, are bringing together UN policy experts and journalists to discuss what to watch for as the international community seeks to measure and accelerate

progress towards meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement.

  • Featuring a how-to guide on covering COP26 and discussion of the key policies and actions, the webinar is a primer for this complex – but critically important – moment for climate change, and for climate
  • This webinar is the fourth in a series providing journalists with background, tools and tips on covering the latest in climate change science and its connections to other global

Website: https://www.sej.org/calendar/sej-webinar-time-now-cop26-primer-journalists

Thursday, 28 October

UNDP – NDC Outlook Report

  • UNDP is expected to launch a detailed review of NDCs, which as in previous years, aims to both inspire and inform More information will be available soon.

Friday, 29 October

DSG – TED Countdown Video – #JoinTheCountdown

  • The Deputy Secretary-General took part in the TED Countdown Summit, four-days of talks on bold ideas and a deep dive into key questions and
  • The video of her talk, which focuses on her perspectives including insights into the deterioration of Lake Chad as well as climate solutions such as the Great Green Wall in Africa, which aims to stop desertification and restore one hundred million hectares of degraded lands, from Senegal in the west to Djibouti in the horn of

TED Countdown: https://countdown.ted.com/summit-program DSG’s Talk (written): https://www.un.org/sg/en/node/260057 TED Images: https://trello.com/c/VkOboP2n/589-dsg-ted-talk
