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Evento collaterale UNGA 76 “Soluzioni durevoli; fine dello sfollamento prolungato in un mondo con una mobilità sempre più complessa”

“Durable Solutions; Ending Protracted Displacement in a World of Increased Complex Mobility”


The International Organization for Migration (IOM) – United Nations Migration Agency and King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSrelief) and are pleased to announce that they are co-organizing a virtual side event during the high-level week of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly. The event, entitled Durable Solutions; Ending Protracted Displacement in a World of Increased Complex Mobility,” will be hosted virtually on 16 September 2021 at (10:00) New York time, (17:00) Riyadh time.

The event will convene experts in the field of durable solutions to discuss successful approaches to date, evolving needs in response to rapidly shifting dynamics on the ground, and ways to strengthen engagement, coordination, research, and advocacy on durable solutions amongst different stakeholders; these include governments, donors, UN agencies, think-tanks and academic institutions. Emphasis will be on engaging experts and sharing experiences from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), East Africa and Horn of Africa (EHA) regions.

The purpose of the event is to facilitate dialogue on the ways and means of improving the quality, predictability, and accountability in ending protracted displacement in an ever-changing mobility landscape, with the goal of finding longer-term holistic solutions to displacement crises.

Confirmed panelists for the event, which will be moderated by the IOM Senior Regional Advisor to the Director General for Middle East and North Africa, Mr. Othman Belbeisi, are listed below. Brief opening remarks will also be provided by His Excellency Mr. Abdallah Y. al-Mouallimi, Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the United Nations.

  • Mr. Ali Ahmed, Director of the Information Management and Data Exchange Department, Joint Crisis Coordination Centre, Ministry of Interior, Kurdistan Regional Government, Iraq
  • Dr. Mohamed Salih Yassin, First Under-Secretary, Ministry of Federal Governance, Republic of Sudan
  • Dr. Hana Omar, Director, Community Support Department, King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSRelief)
  • Mr. Sebastian Einsiedel, Senior Advisor on Internal Displacement, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).
