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Gaza - search results

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Hunger hotspots: Immediate action is required in Gaza and the Sudan

Issued yesterday, the report ‘Hunger Hotspots – FAO-WFP early warnings on acute food insecurity’ calls for urgent humanitarian action to save lives and prevent...

António Guterres in Brussels on Gaza: “We must act now before it is too...

The head of the United Nations was in Brussels from 20 to 22 March for a series of meetings with heads of state and...

UN Gaza coordinator at EU meeting: “strong support for efforts on the ground”

“We discussed the very dire humanitarian situation and conditions inside Gaza and all aspects of security affecting UN and humanitarian partners’ ability to deliver...

Gaza: UN experts condemn killing and silencing of journalists

The Israeli military operation in Gaza, following the 7 October attacks by Hamas, has become the deadliest and most dangerous conflict for journalists in...

Gaza: why we must continue to support UNRWA

The United Nations has appealed to the countries that suspended funding to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), the main...

“We cannot abandon the people of Gaza”: heads of UN agencies, partners

The principals of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee, which includes heads of United Nations agencies, released a statement on 30 January appealing to Member States...

International justice: the South African complaint against Israel for “genocide” in Gaza

South Africa filed a complaint on 29 December 2023 against Israel for “genocide” in Gaza with the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the UN...

EU Overwhelmingly Votes at UN for Humanitarian Ceasefire in Gaza

On Tuesday, the United Nations General Assembly resoundingly passed a resolution, supported by a substantial majority, that called for an 'immediate humanitarian ceasefire' and...

Gaza: News, Stories & Official Statements

News, Stories & Official Statements have now been merged into the main information feed. 12 May With untold lost lives & people on the brink...

Gaza: UN Human Rights Chief calls for end to violence

The “brutal” resumption of hostilities in Gaza and its “terrifying” impact on the civilian population underscores the need to end the violence and find...

Palestine: Preventing a Genocide in Gaza and a New “Nakba”

Over twenty United Nations independent experts* reiterated their concerns about an ongoing genocide and a second Nakba, which means “catastrophe” in Arabic, refering to...

Gaza, Sudan, Ukraine: children in armed conflict

World Children’s Day, marked on 20th November, is a moment to reflect on the very heavy toll paid by young people under the age...

Gaza: “immediate humanitarian ceasefire” needed

Most of the 80 countries and international organisations present at the international humanitarian conference for the civilian population of Gaza, organised by French President...

Gaza Tab 5: Visuals

Gaza Tab 4: Videos

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