A-Z Site Index

UNCHR welcomes Iceland´s accession to statelessness treaty

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, has welcomed Iceland’s accession to the United Nations Statelessness Conventions. “We welcome Iceland’s accession, which brings the world one step...

COP26: Sweden to help at risk small-scale farmers

 Sweden has  signalled its strong commitment to help some of the world’s poorest small-scale farmers to adapt to climate change, by pledging SEK100 million...

Norway increases support to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

Norway has signed a new cooperation agreement regarding increased support with the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). The new cooperation agreement was signed...

UN launches new app to help beat skin cancer

The UN has launched an innovative new App that can help anyone, anywhere, determine the safe amount of time to stay outdoors in the...

Making roads safe for everyone 

Traffic accidents are the leading cause of death among young people. Lowering speed limits in any community save lives. The United Nations are urging...

Focus on the digital challenge to journalism

Norway, Denmark and Sweden top the World Press Freedom Index for 2022, while Finland is number five. The fifth Nordic country, Iceland, is ten...

Sweden co-hosts High-Level Pledging Event on Yemen

Aid agencies are seeking nearly $4.3 billion to help 17 million at today´s High-Level Pledging Event on the humanitarian crisis in Yemen. Sweden, Switzerland and the...

Norway regrets Russian veto on Climate

Mona Juul the Permanent Representative of Norway has expressed her regret that Russia vetoed a resolution on the threat that climate change is to...

Stockholm +50 to go ahead

The United Nations General Assembly has agreed on the way forward for plans to host an international meeting at the highest possible level in...

Finland increases funding to UNICEF

Through an additional €1. million grant to UNICEF, the Government of Finland has renewed its commitment to enhance access to education for Syrian children...

Norway steps up support for UNEP in landmark partnership

 Norway and UNEP have signed a new cooperation agreement of around $ 53 million (NOK 520 million). Since the 1972 Stockholm Conference, which led to the...

80% of food and drink adverts in Norway promote unhealthy nutrition

According to a new study conducted by the Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet), 8 out of 10 food and drink advertisements aimed at children in...

Global Goal #7 – Clean energy for all

The world is making progress towards Global Goal 7 (SDG#7), with encouraging signs that energy is becoming more sustainable and widely available.  The goal is to...

From Blade Runner to Sustainable Development

What do Blade runner and the “I-would- rather-go-naked-than-wear-fur” campaign have in common? On the surface nothing, except that their combined effect triggered a fashion...

Turku: Holistic approach to cyberbullying

 A special session on cyberbullying was organized by the University of Turku in Turku, Finland, in collaboration with UNESCO , to mark the International...