A-Z Site Index

40 years of HIV: Before the lifeline

As the world marks the 40th anniversary of the HIV/AIDS pandemic the photographer Einar Sebastian honours the memory of a childhood-friend, who died of...

Norwegian peacekeeper in a dialogue with Guterres

 UN Secretary-General António Guterres paid tribute to young UN Peacekeepers on the ocassion of UN Peacekeepers Day 29 May. He had an online-dialogue with...

Nordic countries and UNESCO consultations

From 25 to 28 May 2021, UNESCO and the Nordic Member States – Denmark, Finland, Iceland Norway and Sweden – held their fifth Joint...

When a chamber maid won the Nansen prize on behalf of...

Half a century ago, in 1971, Svana Friðriksdóttir, a 19-year old Icelandic girl scout, received the prestigious Nansen award on behalf of young Nordic...

Once a refugee Tusse is now a Eurovision finalist 

The Congolese-Swedish singer Tousin “Tusse” Chiza is one of the contestants with a refugee background at this year’s Eurovision Song Contest in Rotterdam. The...

Making roads safe for everyone 

Traffic accidents are the leading cause of death among young people. Lowering speed limits in any community save lives. The United Nations are urging...

The light illuminating the Nordics

Light has always had a special place in the Nordic countries. From the dark nights in winter to the endless sunlight in summer, and...

IMF: Denmark successfully navigated the crises

Danish authorities decisively utilized Denmark’s large policy space built over time to successfully navigate the crisis and lay the ground for a strong recovery....

Norwegian delegation visits Baqa’a Refugee Camp

A delegation from the Norwegian Embassy in Jordan has visited the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East...

COVID-19: immigrants under fire

There is concern in many of the Nordic countries that immigrants are suffering disproportionally from COVID-19. They have been made scapegoats and have lesser...

Climate Change threatens the harbinger of spring

A sure sign of spring in northern Europe is the arrival of the Arctic tern, but the warming of the oceans in its nesting...

WHO welcomes Sweden´s decision to share vaccines with COVAX

WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus welcomed the Government of Sweden’s announcement today to share 1 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine with the COVAX Facility to provide life-saving vaccines to people at risk from COVID-19 in low income countries.
Denmark Human Rights Council

Denmark’s human rights record to be examined  

Denmark’s human rights record will be examined by the UN Human Rights Council’s

Gratitude to scientists and health workers

The Crown Princess of Denmark has expressed her thanks to scientists and health workers on the occasion of the European Immunization Week 26 April-2...

Using creativity and innovation to make the world better 

Sometimes the most mundane moments can inspire the best ideas. They can pop up when watching a good movie, while on a bike ride...