A-Z Site Index

UN experts say drilling licences may undermine Norwegian constitution

Two UN Human Rights Experts say that the right to a healthy environment in the Norwegian constitution is meaningless if the Supreme Cort gives a green light for oil drilling licences in a case before the Supreme Court. The Experts have published an Op-ed in Aftenposten on a climate related case which is being heard at the Norwegian Supreme Court.    

Sweden increases contribution to UNFPA´s Women and Girls

Sweden has announced a new $1.5 million contribution to UNFPA´s Women and Girls first Programme in Myanmar. Mr. Anders Frankenberg, Head of Development Cooperation of...

Iceland supports Malawi to deliver emergency relief

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has welcomed a contribution of USD 195,000 from the Government of Iceland. The contribution will be...

Guterres warns Nordic Council: Sustainable development in danger

UN Secretary-General António Guterres has warned that the COVID-19 pandemic is endangering the success of sustainable development. “The pandemic is not simply a health crisis. Steady progress on sustainable development since the turn of the century is at risk,” Mr. Guterres said in a speech to the Nordic Council 27 October.

Nordic monuments turn UN Blue

Several iconic Nordic buildings and monuments were illuminated in blue 24 October to mark the 75th anniversary of the United Nations. Among them were...

Sweden and Finland: Strong supporters of UN Women

In 2019 Sweden the government of Sweden and the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida), contributed  over $56 million, which makes Sweden UN Women’s second largest funding partner.In the same year 2019, the Government of Finland contributed overall $20.0 million, which made Finland UN Women’s fifth largest contributor.

Sweden: supporting innovative financial services in Zambia

UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) are launching today a new partnership to address the challenges Micro,...

Denmark hosts high-level event on Central Sahel

The Government of Denmark, in partnership with the Government of Germany, the European Union and the United Nations, is hosting a high-level humanitarian event...

UN SG to meet Nordic Council

The UN Secretary General António Guterres is to meet with the Nordic Council on 27 October and share his thoughts on the COVID-19 crisis....

Denmark supports developing countries´farm trade

The government of Denmark contributed a total of DKK 8 million (1.1 million Euros/1.25 million US Dollars) in 2019 and 2020 to help developing...

Sweden funds emergency help to women and children in West Nile

Sweden funds emergency help to women and children in West Nile |

Housing is not just a roof

On the World Habitat Day 2020, UN-Habitat will launch ‘Housing for All’, a five-week Campaign calling for action to improve  housing conditions worldwide. The...

UNGA: EU and Sweden join forces to avoid famine in Yemen

In the margins of the 75th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, Janez Lenarčič, EU Commissioner for Crisis Management, and Peter...

Norway’s main priorities for the 75th UNGA

17 September 2020.  Norway has published its main priorities for the 75th session of the UN General Assembly. The Permanent Representation of Norway at the...

COVID-19: Leaving no one behind

11 September 2020. The Foreign Ministers and ministers of development cooperation of the Nordic Countries have published a joint Op-ed on the priorities of...