A-Z Site Index

Norway’s main priorities for the 75th UNGA

17 September 2020.  Norway has published its main priorities for the 75th session of the UN General Assembly. The Permanent Representation of Norway at the...

Committe against torture asks Sweden to limit solitary confinement

The UN Committee against Torture (CAT) has recommended that Sweden uses solitary confinement only as an exceptional measure and not at all for minors. The Commitee today published...

Racial discriminaton: UN Committee publishes findings on Denmark

The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) today issued its findings on Denmark and four other countries that it reviewed during its latest...

Secretary-General urges countries to reconsider cuts in development aid 

UN Secretary-General António Guterres has arrived in Sweden where he will participate in the 2-3 June Stockholm+50 conference. In his remarks to the press...

Finland, Iceland and Norway contributing disproportionally to the destruction of the...

The world’s richest countries – including Finland, Iceland, the Netherlands and Norway – are providing healthier environments for children within their borders, yet are...

Sharp increase in child poverty in Iceland and Norway

Two of the Nordic countries, Iceland and Norway, France, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom saw sharp rises in child poverty between 2014–2021,  according to...

Norway increases funding to promote freedom of expression and cultural rights

Norway has reached a new agreement with UNESCO to provide NOK 200 million to support efforts to promote freedom of expression, artistic freedom and...

Salpausselkä approved as new UNESCO Global Geopark

UNESCO’s Executive Board has approved the designation of Salpausselkä in southern Finland as a new UNESCO Global Geopark. In total 8 new Geoparks were...

UNGA: EU and Sweden join forces to avoid famine in Yemen

In the margins of the 75th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, Janez Lenarčič, EU Commissioner for Crisis Management, and Peter...

Finnish textile producers become circular economy pioneers

Finland is Europe’s most forested country, with around 75 percent of its land covered in pine, spruce, and birch. But it is not just...

UNDP awards Iceland gold certification for its gender equality efforts

Iceland has become the first donor country to receive the gold certification on gender equality under the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Gender Equality...

Secretary-General: not enough political will

The UN Secretary-General said at the conclusion of COP26 in Glasgow that there was “not enough political will to overcome some deep contradictions.“ In a...

Malmö named a UN Resilience Hub

Malmö has become the latest European city and the second in Sweden to be unveiled as a Resilience Hub by the UN Office for...

Guterres: War in Ukraine one of the greatest challenges ever

The UN Secretary-General says that because of its nature, intensity, and consequences the war in Ukraine is one of the greatest challenges ever to...

UNEP establishes Copenhagen Climate Centre  

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) today, 15 February, announced that its long-standing collaborating centre in Denmark will be renamed the UNEP Copenhagen Climate...