Denmark: We must ensure global access to vaccines

Mette Frederiksen, Prime Minister of Denmark, addresses the general debate of the General Assembly’s seventy-sixth session.

Mette Fredriksen the Prime Minister of Denmark announced in her address to the 76th UN General Assembly that her country will double its contribution to COVAX, the global  initiative aimed at equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines.

„We must ensure global access to vaccines,“ the Prime Minister said.

„None of us can leave COVID behind until all of us can. Denmark is committed to vaccine solidarity and COVAX. In the spring, we announced the donation of 3 million vaccine
doses.This week, we announce a re-doubling of our efforts. We now aim to donate more than 6 million doses. That is more than one donated vaccine for each Dane. It comes in addition to our commitment to COVAX with more than 15 million dollars.” 

Massive scale up

Ms. Fredriksen said that the
 latest IPCC report makes it clear that we are standing at a
global crossroad.

Climate change hits the world’s poorest and weakest communities
Denmark will respond to the call of the SecretaryGeneral. And
massively scale up Danish grantbased climate finance to at least
500 million USD a year by 2023.
And we are dedicating 60 percent to adaptation in poor and
vulnerable countries,” the Prime Minister said.