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Fit for Life Photo Contest


Deadline: 30 November 2021

To celebrate the launch of the Social and Human Science Sector’s new sport-based flagship, Fit for Life, UNESCO is organizing a photo contest to promote equality, empowerment and inclusion through sport.  

Fit for Life unites private and public sector stakeholders through sport to tackle contemporary crises in physical inactivity, mental health issues and inequalities.

Sport has the power to convince, convene and activate. It is a tool to build physical, mental, and societal resilience, deliver values education and promote intercultural dialogue. In a time of compounded inequalities and rising racism, where communities have been devastated by the impacts of COVID-19, sport offers a productive pathway to “rebuild” our societies based on inclusion, human connections and collective wellbeing.

The Fit for Life photo contest is an opportunity for young people around the world to submit entries that illustrate the power and potential of sport as a driver of equality, empowerment, and inclusion.

Who can participate?

Anyone aged from 18 to 35 years old. Participants do not need to be professional photographers, just passionate about sport and the positive role it has played in your life or the lives of others in your community.


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