Gaza: News, Stories & Official Statements

What you need to know about the United Nations response to the conflict in the Middle East.

UN staff killed
million people displaced

Source: UNRWA, 12 July 2024

13 April

  • Statement by the Secretary-General regarding attacks by the Islamic Republic of Iran targeting Israel (OSSG)
  • Guterres condemns Iran’s attack on Israel, calls for immediate end to hostilities (UN News)

12 April

  • Mr. Muhannad Hadi of Jordan – Deputy Special Coordinator and Resident Coordinator, Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process (UNSCO)
  • In Gaza, it’s chaos and ruin everywhere (UNICEF)
  • Gaza: No improvement in aid access to north, insists senior UN aid official (UN News)

11 April

  • UN relief chief says safety of aid workers and civilians “remains paramount” in Gaza (OCHA)
  • Widespread destruction across Khan Younis as Gazans ‘struggle to survive’ (UN News)
  • ‘Repeated trauma’ means long road to recovery for Gaza’s children (UN Video)
  • Ceasefire the only way to end killing and injuring of children in Gaza: UNICEF (UN News)

10 April

  • Khan Younis destruction – 10 April 2024 (OCHA)

9 April

  • UN continues to face aid access denials in Gaza (UN News)

8 April

  • Security Council urged to ‘end the bloodshed’ in Gaza (UN News)
  • Palestinian request for UN membership in spotlight amid fears for Rafah invasion (UN News)
  • Saudi contribution to WFP will Provide Life-saving Food Assistance to around 378,000 Internally Displaced Palestinians in Gaza (WFP)
  • UNRWA USA resumes funding to the UN agency for Palestine refugees, providing $5 million in support for life-saving humanitarian relief in Gaza (UNRWA)

7 April

  • Hope grows for UN mission to ‘flood’ Gaza with food, despite fears of imminent Rafah invasion (UN News)

6 April

  • Gaza: ‘Systematic dismantling of healthcare must end’ says WHO (UN News)
  • Planning the post-war reconstruction and recovery of Gaza (UN News)
  • Six months of war leave Al-Shifa hospital in ruins, WHO mission reports (WHO)
  • Six months on, the war in Gaza is a betrayal of humanity (OCHA)
  • Statement by the Humanitarian Coordinator for the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Mr. Jamie McGoldrick (OCHA)

5 April

  • Secretary-General’s Press Encounter on Gaza (OSSG)
  • Gaza: ‘No protection’ for civilians, aid workers, Security Council hears (UN News)
  • Israel must allow ‘quantum leap’ in aid delivery UN chief urges, calling for change in military tactics (UN News)
  • Israel’s Genocide Must Not Go Unpunished, Speakers Say as Civil Society Organizations Conference Working on Question of Palestine Concludes (UNGA)
  • Gaza: Human Rights Council resolution urges arms embargo on Israel (UN News)
  • SG Spokesperson noon briefing highlights (OSSG)
  • Mr. Ramesh Rajasingham, Director, Coordination division, UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, on behalf of Mr. Martin Griffiths, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator (OCHA)
  • Speakers in Security Council Condemn Deadly Israeli Airstrikes on Aid Workers in Gaza, Urge Immediate Action to End Violations of International Humanitarian Law (UNGA)
  • Protecting Palestine refugee herding communities in Area C amidst heightened levels of settler violence (UNRWA)
  • Human Rights Council Adopts Resolutions: Text Calling for an Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza, Urging States to Prevent the Continued Forcible Transfer of Palestinians Within or From Gaza, and Calling on States to Cease the Sale or Transfer of Arms to Israel (UN HRC)
  • Gaza: FAO contributes to fighting malnutrition and starvation (FAO)
  • Occupied Palestinian Territory/Israel: Vital need to ensure humanitarian aid and protect humanitarian workers (OHCHR)

The extreme level of fighting and devastation in Gaza is incomprehensible and inexcusable.

Nowhere is safe. Everywhere is a potential killing zone.

It is high time for the parties to show the political courage and political will to finally reach a deal.

António Guterres

Secretary-General of the United Nations (15 July)


United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA):

United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)

United Nations


United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)

  • Flash Appeal for the Occupied Palestinian Territory 2023 Extension through March 2024
  • Gaza Humanitarian Response Update | 10 – 23 June
  • Gaza Strip: Internal Displacement from Rafah Governorate | 9 June 2024
  • Gaza Strip: Humanitarian access constraints | 24 June 2024
  • Humanitarian Access Snapshot – Gaza Strip | 1 – 31 May

UNOSAT Maps – Gaza Damage:

OCHA – Situation in Lebanon:



The United Nations Information System on the Question of Palestine
Gaza-Israel: Escalation of Violence:

United Nations in Palestine (Resident Coordinator Office)

UN News Middle East and الحالة في الشرق الأوسط | | أخبار الأمم المتحدة

Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process

UNRIC Library Backgrounders:


  • Report: Impact of the Israel-Hamas conflict on the labour market and livelihoods in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
  • Bulletin No. 2


Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC):


  • Expected Socio-Economic Impacts on the State of Palestine – Update (April 2024) (ESCWA/UNDP)






  • Gender alert: Voices of strength: Contributions of Palestinian women-led organizations to the humanitarian response in the Occupied Palestinian Territory [EN/AR]
  • A gender analysis of the impact of the war in Gaza on vital services essential to women’s and girls’ health, safety, and dignity
  • In-focus: The conflict in Gaza (dedicated website)
  • Facts and figures: Women and girls during the war in Gaza (UN Women)
  • UN Women Palestine 6-month response framework (UN Women)


2023/24 – WFP Palestine – Monthly Market Dashboard


ReliefWeb – Occupied Palestinian Territory

Gaza Strip: Access Constraints on Humanitarian Aid (27 March 2024)
Gaza Strip: Access Constraints on Humanitarian Aid (27 March 2024)
Impact of health attacks in the West Bank (7 October 2023 until 12 March 2024)
Impact of health attacks in the West Bank (7 October 2023 until 12 March 2024)
Lebanon: At a Glance - Escalation of hostilities in South Lebanon, as of 7 March 2024
Lebanon: At a Glance - Escalation of hostilities in South Lebanon, as of 7 March 2024
Flash Appeal for the Occupied Palestinian Territory 2023 Extension through March 2024
Flash Appeal for the Occupied Palestinian Territory 2023 Extension through March 2024
200 days of War – Health Cluster Overview (WHO)
200 days of War – Health Cluster Overview (WHO - 25 April 2024)
oPt: Humanitarian Fund Dashboard (February 2024)
oPt: Humanitarian Fund Dashboard (February 2024)
Education under attack in the Gaza Strip, as of 30 January 2024
Education under attack in the Gaza Strip, as of 30 January 2024
oPt Emergency Situation Update 20 (As of 11 January 2024 at 13:00)
oPt Emergency Situation Update 20 (As of 11 January 2024 at 13:00)
Gaza: Partners presence by governorate (directly implementing partners) (as of 17 January 2024)
Gaza: Partners presence by governorate (directly implementing partners) (as of 17 January 2024)
oPt: 100 days of war - Health Cluster Overview
Overview of the damage to agricultural land and infrastructure due to the conflict in the Gaza Strip as of 31 December 2023
Overview of the damage to agricultural land and infrastructure due to the conflict in the Gaza Strip as of 31 December 2023
Impact of health attacks in the Gaza Strip (Update 28 November 2023)
Impact of health attacks in the Gaza Strip, as of 28 November
Gaza response: Palestine Logistics Cluster - One month after activation (16 November 2023)
Gaza response: Palestine Logistics Cluster - One month after activation (16 November 2023)
oPt: a Month of War (Update 6 November 2023)
oPt: a Month of War (Update 6 November 2023)
Health System Functioning: Gaza, 7 October - 6 November 2023
Health System Functioning: Gaza, 7 October - 6 November 2023
Aid Trucks Crossing From Egypt to Gaza (As of 15 November 2023)
Aid Trucks Crossing From Egypt to Gaza (As of 15 November 2023)
Gaza updated flash appeal
Occupied Palestinian Territory - Flash Appeal, as of 3 November 2023
Gaza Strip critical water and wastewater infrastructure, as of 22 October
Gaza Strip critical water and wastewater infrastructure, as of 22 October
Health Attacks in the oPt (7-17 October 2023)
Health Attacks in the oPt (7-17 October 2023)
Gaza hospital evacuation orders map
Hospital Evacuation Orders Mapping as of 16th October 2023

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