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Global Media Competition on Labour Migration


Deadline: 31 October 2022

Journalists are invited to submit articles showing exemplary media coverage on labour migration and fair recruitment.

The International Labour Organization (ILO) is launching the eighth edition of its annual Global Media Competition. Its aim is to recognize fair and balanced reports that contribute to the elimination of xenophobia and discrimination against migrant workers.

The competition is open to professional and student journalists and will be judged by a panel of international migration and journalism experts. The winning entries will be selected according to a range of criteria including creativity, accuracy, balance and the positive portrayal of labour migration, including the multidimensional aspects of migrant workers’ lives.

“This competition seeks to identify and award media professionals who are committed to telling the stories of migrant workers and their employers, their living and working conditions in a balanced, informed and fair way. Today, more than ever, we need to let the general public know the reality of those involved and the important contributions migrant workers bring to our societies,” said Michelle Leighton, Chief of the ILO Labour Migration Branch and one of the competition judges.

Key dates

31 October 2022 (23:59, Central European Time): Deadline for submissions.

December 2022: Competition winners will be announced to celebrate International Migrants Day.


Three professional prizes and one student prize will be awarded.

The competition is supported by the International Trade Union Confederation, the International Organisation of Employers, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the International Federation of Journalists, Equal Times, Solidarity Centre, and Migrant Forum in Asia. The competition is also organized with the support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation funded ‘Integrated Programme on Fair Recruitment – Phase III  ’ (FAIR III).


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