Summit of the Future
22-23 September 2024
Summit of the Future
Multilateral Solutions for a Better Tomorrow

Pact for the Future

Major global shocks in recent years—including the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ukraine war, and the triple planetary crisis, among others—have challenged our international institutions. Unity around our shared principles and common goals is crucial and urgent.

The Summit of the Future (September 2024) is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to enhance cooperation on critical challenges and address gaps in global governance. It will reaffirm existing commitments, including to the Sustainable Development Goals and the United Nations Charter, and move towards a reinvigorated multilateral system better positioned to impact people’s lives positively.

In Summary

The Summit aims to accelerate meeting international commitments and address emerging challenges through the Pact for the Future.

This actionable document will be negotiated and endorsed by countries during the September 2024 Summit, fostering a more resilient global community for current and future generations.

What is the Summit of the Future?

Experience the Summit of the Future: A Gathering of Global Leaders Shaping Tomorrow
The Summit of the Future is a pivotal gathering uniting leaders from across the globe to redefine our path towards a brighter present and a more secure tomorrow.

This unparalleled occasion presents an opportunity to rebuild trust and showcase the power of international collaboration in addressing both current and emerging challenges.

Building upon established frameworks such as the UN Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the 2030 Agenda, the Paris Agreement, and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, the Summit of the Future delves into the practical strategies for achieving our shared aspirations.

Join us as we explore the “how” of enhanced cooperation, ensuring our ability to meet present demands while effectively preparing for the future’s uncertainties.

Where did the Summit of the Future come from?

The proposal for a Summit of the Future originated in the Our Common Agenda report. The report was a response by the UN Secretary-General to a call from Member States for ideas on how better to respond to current and future challenges.

The Common Agenda report called for a renewal of trust and solidarity at all levels – between peoples, countries and generations. It made the case for a fundamental rethink of our political, economic and social systems so that they deliver more fairly and effectively for everyone. It also recommended a corresponding renewal of the multilateral system, with the Summit of the Future as a defining moment to agree on the most critical improvements necessary.

Member States agreed to hold the Summit in September 2024. They also agreed that the Summit would have an outcome – a Pact for the Future.


They articulated the overarching purpose of the Summit, and the Pact:

  • to reaffirm the UN Charter,
  • to reinvigorate multilateralism,
  • to boost implementation of existing commitments,
  • to agree on solutions to new challenges, and
  • to restore trust.