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The Week Ahead: UN in Brussels (past events)

25 June

24 June

19 June

18 June

17 June

16 June

  • International Day of Yoga, Brussels (Join a one-hour yoga and meditation session organised by Embassy of India)
    10AM – 6PM CEST, Arches of Parc du Cinquantenaire/Jubelpark

15 – 23 June

Brussels Refugee Week

2024 Brussels Refugee Week

  • Football Tournament, 15 June (10am-3pm): An exciting 5-a-side football tournament will take place featuring refugee and local teams at Centre Fitfive in Forest.
  • Concerts and Bazaar, 16 June (11am-7pm): The outdoor concert at Place Jean Rey will feature the vibrant sounds of Burundian, Afghan, Syrian, Ukrainian, Congolese, and afro music, performed by local and refugee artists. While you’re there, make sure to stop by the Bazaar and enjoy tasty Middle Eastern, Ukrainian, Afghan and Burundian delicacies and explore handmade items created by refugee artisans.
  • Photo Exhibition, 17-22 June (10am-8pm): An exhibition featuring artwork and images of forcibly displaced people in Syria, Ukraine, Iraq and Gaza through the eyes of refugees will be on display at the Refugee Community Centre at Rue de la Loi 89.
  • Movie Nights, 17-21 June (7pm-9.30pm): Screenings of a diverse selection of short and long films highlighting displacement situations from across the world will be held for five nights at the Refugee Community Centre at Rue de la Loi 89.
  • Book Fair, 22-23 June: A book fair featuring a wide array of books – from literature, poetry, and comics to children’s books and manga – will be hosted at the Refugee Community Centre at Rue de la Loi 89.

