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Challenge Campus 2030 – Edition 2


Deadline: 7 February 2021

Act today and transform the campuses of tomorrow by joining Challenge Campus 2030, organised by the United Nations, l’Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (Francophone University Agency) and Agorize, with the support of UNESCO.

University campuses are at the heart of change: in 10 years, they will need to have achieved the 17 SDGs to welcome and educate the next generation of students! What will these Campuses be like?

Imagine a solution that will allow these sites to be considered socially, economically and environmentally sustainable.

Your mission?

Are you a student or university professor/researcher? Would you like to have a major impact and help build the next generation’s sustainable university campus?

Upload your Challenge Campus 2030 project online and share your vision for campuses of the future.

The winning “student” or “university staff” team will receive an all-inclusive International incubation week abroad (valid for two people in a team: flights, training courses, professional meetings and accommodation).

Choose a category and submit your vision for the Campus of 2030: the university site that will have achieved all 17 Sustainable Development Goals!

In its first edition, 1351 participants from 97 different nationalities submitted their vision for a sustainable campus. Now it’s your turn to share your project and participate in building the university of the future.


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