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UN Global Climate Action Awards 2021


Deadline: 9 May 2021

Organizations, businesses, universities, governments and others taking bold leadership on climate change can nominate their work for the special 10th anniversary edition of the UN Global Climate Action Awards.

The annual award programme, run by United Nations Climate Change since 2011, recognizes the world’s most innovative, scalable and replicable examples of action to tackle climate change.

This year’s awards will showcase people and projects taking bold and effective climate action in the areas of climate neutrality, innovative climate finance and climate leadership.

The 2021 award winners will be celebrated at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP 26) in Glasgow, Scotland, in November – the most important climate conference since the Paris Agreement was adopted in 2015.

This year also marks the 10th anniversary of the award programme and its efforts to demonstrate that climate action is underway around the world.

A special new award category called ‘Climate Leaders’ has been added for 2021. It will recognize transformational and replicable government action and ambition at any level (national, regional, city, town, etc.), helping to strengthen the case for the increased climate action and ambition that is urgently needed to ensure the world can limit the increase in global average temperature rise this century to 1.5 degrees Celsius and to build resilience to climate change.

The UN Global Climate Action Awards shine a light on activities which aim to help achieve the temperature goals of the Paris Agreement. The Awards have for example recognized transformational initiatives such as the Government of Quebec’s climate finance program, Google’s Project Sunroof, and Microsoft’s internal carbon fee. Other past winners also include the world’s greenest football club, the first all-women solar team in Lebanon, a Swedish restaurant chain that is creating the world’s first ‘climate positive’ menu, and one of Africa’s first national environment and climate change investment funds.

The award’s Advisory Panel, made up of senior experts from various fields and countries, will select the 2021 winners.

Applications for the 2021 UN Global Climate Action Award will be accepted until 30 April 2021: https://momentum.unfccc.int/


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