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UN Women launches global call to creatives: Artivism for Gender Equality

SourceUN Women

Deadline: 11 March 2021

As part of the Generation Equality campaign, UN Women has issued a global call for original artwork that visualizes and celebrates activism for gender equality. As we approach International Women’s Day (8 March) and as world leaders and activists prepare for the 2021 Generation Equality Forum — a global gathering to invest and innovate for gender equality — UN Women are mobilizing to bring change, and we want you to join us.

A single moment can spark a revolution, collective actions can transform societies and laws, an invention can alter the course of history and creative expression can change attitudes. We are at a pivotal moment in history, one in which a global pandemic, growing inequality, and extremism threaten to reverse the hard-fought gains for women’s rights.

UN Women is calling on artists to be a part of the change: Visualize and capture what activism and actions for gender equality mean to you and share your vision of a gender-equal future. You can design in the form of static art, gifs, animations (up to 10 seconds), or short videos (up to one minute) that incorporate UN Women key messages. Be sure to read the full creative brief before getting started. Submit your entry by 11 March 2021 at 12 p.m. EST.

A minimum of 15 and up to 20 pieces of work will be chosen by UN Women as Selected Creators and will receive USD 500 each.


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