United Nations and Video Games

Play selected video games produced by the United Nations family and its partners. Learn how to help prevent disasters, contribute to ending hunger, take climate action, step into the shoes of refugees, and much more. Bookmark this page and check back for future updates.

Playing for the Planet

How can the fastest growing media platform in the world be harnessed to deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals and the urgent global needs they represent?

Gaming and Health

How do video games affect your health and what is gaming disorder?

Games for Learning

Increasingly, studies indicate the strong pedagogical properties games have for learning. The use of games for teaching mathematics, sciences and the humanities is becoming part of the educational landscape.

Key Publications and Links

  • Esports: an overview of a new(ish) frontier in digital entertainment [WIPO Magazine] (external link)
  • Using Minecraft for Community Participation [UN-Habitat] (external link)
  • UNWTO partners with Niantic to develop innovative tourism experiences through real-world games (external link)
  • The United Nations and Video Games: A Digital Double Edged Sword [AMUN] (external link)
  • UNHCR’s 2019 NGO Innovation Award Winners: Video Games Without Borders (external link)