Using creativity and innovation to make the world better 

World creativity and innovation day

Sometimes the most mundane moments can inspire the best ideas. They can pop up when watching a good movie, while on a bike ride or like it did for Tommie Lögdahl –when you are standing in the shower.  

Embracing our creativity and innovation abilities are crucial components in ensuring a better world, that’s why the United Nations on April 21st observe World Creativity and Innovation Day. It is a day to encourage the use of creativity for problem-solving. 

”Creativity is important in solving everyday problems as an entrepreneur. Being solution-oriented helps me in the daily work of developing my business,” says entrepreneur Tommie Lögdahl. 

Creativity and innovation 

World creativity and innovation day Some say creativity can be interpreted as the ability to develop and express new ideas, and in addition innovation is the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality. 

However, there may be no universal understanding of creativity. The concept is open to interpretation from artistic expression to problem-solving in the context of economic, social and sustainable development. 

The World Creativity and Innovation Day aims to raise the awareness of the role of creativity and innovation in all aspects of human development. 

  When the lightbulb went off 

Well aware of climate change and how plastic pollutes our oceans, Tommie Lögdahl had started to worry about the future of our planet, he contemplated how he could best contribute and reduce plastic waste. 

One day while standing in the shower he started to look around and noticed the abundance of plastic containers, shampoo and soap bottles everywhere. He picked up a few bottles, read the back and noticed the main ingredient in these products is water.  

That was when the lightbulb went off for him. 

”It is such a waste of resources to transport a product that contains something people already have in their home,” says Lögdahl. ”I posed the question: why pay for plastic waste and transported water?” 

The question sparked the idea for a product to make it easier for people to live more sustainably.  

 Staying curious 

Photo: Nick Fewings/Unsplash

Lögdahl created Nowa Drops. His product is a natural concentrate that mixed with water creates shower gel. It removes plastic waste from the equation of personal hygiene products and offers a sustainable solution. 

Being curious is often a core element to successful innovation and business development. For Tommie Lögdahl it is no different. 

”I believe curiosity is a key component to create new innovations and to be brave enough to pursue them.” 

Additionally, building a business based on a new innovation requires handling the different obstacles that might occur along the way. 

”Entrepreneurship means solving lots of different problems, and new challenges always appear along the way. But facing the challenges with an open mind and staying curious have really helped me. Also, finding support and inspiration from other entrepreneurs has helped me develop as a person and business owner.” explains Lögdahl. 

  Pursue the reason why 

The United Nations recognizes the importance of creativity and innovation for sustainable development, they are essential to building a better future for people and planet. 

World creativity and innovation day
Tommie Lögdahl, alumni from Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Industrial Design Engineering Venue: Go Business, WInner of SKAPA Region Norrbotten

People all over the world are finding ways to accommodate the sustainable development goals into their business plans or in other ways find improving sustainability. 

Innovation can come in different shapes and forms. In a previous article we shared the story of Ingvar Helgason who drew inspiration from the Blade Runner movie to create leather in a lab. 

Ultimately, pursuing your idea is the practical element to and perhaps the significant aspect of creativity and innovation. For Lögdahl this comes down to feeling passionated about your idea and the cause. 

”Finding your reason why and the inner power to pursue an idea is important, and for me it has been an important motivator on my journey. I am motivated by the opportunity to make the world better,” concludes Lögdahl.