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WMO launches its annual photography competition for its 2022 calendar


Deadline: 15 September 2021

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is delighted to launch the annual photography competition for its 2022 Calendar.

They are looking for high-quality and artistic photographs of the amazing power and beauty of our weather and our natural surrounds. They welcome photographs that illustrate the theme of World Meteorological Day 2022, Early Warning and Early Action. Hydrometeorological and Climate Information for Disaster Risk Reduction.

The winning photographs will be chosen based on a combination of social media votes, geographic balance and technical artistic merit judged by the WMO jury (which consists of communications experts, photographers and meteorologists). The jury will make the final decision on the 13 photos for inclusion in the calendar (one for the cover and one for each month). They hope to get photos from every region of the world.
Winning entries will feature in the WMO 2022 online calendar. They will be showcased on the WMO website and social media platforms and feature prominently in their World Meteorological Day 2022 celebrations.
As always, there will be lots of recognition but no financial reward, as per the submission guidelines.
Since it was launched in 2014, the WMO calendar competition has gained in stature and recognition. The United Nations regularly features your photos. Some National Meteorological and Hydrological Services also run their own photo contests and feed these entries to WMO.
How to enter

Take a striking photo that is related to the weather, climate and water and that meets WMO submission guidelines. Photographers may submit multiple entries, but only one photo can be included in the final calendar. If you share your photos on your own social media profiles, use the #WMOphoto hashtag.

Fill out the mandatory online ENTRY FORM and attach your photo and submit via a dedicated page on the WMO website. This is obligatory. Don’t forget a short explanatory caption and location for your image! Please also provide your social media handles.

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