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Young Professionals Competition on Effective Nuclear and Radiation Regulatory Systems


Deadline: 7 November 2022

How would you envisage an effective regulatory approach in a rapidly changing global environment?
What regulatory actions would you propose to address challenges related to climate change in the next five to 10 years?
What methods and tools would you suggest national nuclear regulatory bodies use to reach out to young professionals for their involvement in the nuclear sector?

The innovative ideas, solutions or initiatives of young professionals in the nuclear sector is what the international community is eager to hear at the upcoming IAEA International Conference on Effective Nuclear and Radiation Regulatory Systems: Preparing for the Future in a Rapidly Changing Environment.

To this end, the IAEA is launching a competition offering young professionals the chance to be youth panellists at the conference, to be held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, from 13 to16 February 2023. Through the competition, as well as a special youth panel, the Agency aims to incorporate the voices of today’s youth into the event outcomes.

The competition is open to young professionals between 18 and 35 years old. Submissions should address the challenges from the perspective of improving the effectiveness of the nuclear regulatory systems. Applicants are required to submit their synopses outlining tangible and innovative ideas, solutions, or initiatives to address the challenges in, for example, the application of the “graded approach” while developing or adapting regulatory strategies and programmes; capacity building for the future; regulatory effectiveness in an increased use of digitalization and innovative technologies, climate change and more.


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