A-Z Site Index

Crown Prince addressed Security Council in the run-up to Norway´s...

Norwegian Crown Prince Haakon addressed the Security Council and met with the UN Secretary General during a visit to UN Headquarters last week. Norway...

Sweden focuses on vulnerable women in Yemen

The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) has announced a contribution of US$ 3.3 million to help UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund provide...

Iceland supports vulnerable countries on climate action

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has received a new contribution of approximately US$ 1.2 million (ISK 150,000,000) in funding from the Government of...

Nordic countries among top contributors to Peacebuilding Fund

Two of the Nordic countries are among the top three contributors to the United Nations Secretary-General's Peacebuilding Fund and four are among the top...

Racial discriminaton: UN Committee publishes findings on Denmark

The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) today issued its findings on Denmark and four other countries that it reviewed during its latest...

Committe against torture asks Sweden to limit solitary confinement

The UN Committee against Torture (CAT) has recommended that Sweden uses solitary confinement only as an exceptional measure and not at all for minors. The Commitee today published...

Sweden supports UN agencies in Mali

The Government of Sweden and three UN agencies have signed a four-year programme to strengthen the resilience of vulnerable communities affected by food insecurity,...

Despite COVID-19 UN and EU continue fight against gender-based violence

Despite COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions, some 650,000 women and girls were provided with gender-based violence services through a joint UN and European Union (EU)...

Sweden to host World Envionment Day 2022

The Government of the Sweden will host World Environment Day 2022 in partnership with the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). The year 2022 marks 50 years since the...

75 years since Sweden and Iceland joined the UN

 Sweden and Iceland celebrated, today, the 75th anniversary of their membership of the United Nations. 19 November 1946 Sweden, Iceland and Afghanistan signed the UN...

Sweden/Jordan pledging conference: UNRWA funds still insufficient

Dozens of nations came together to pledge political and financial support for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the...

Turku: Holistic approach to cyberbullying

 A special session on cyberbullying was organized by the University of Turku in Turku, Finland, in collaboration with UNESCO , to mark the International...

Secretary-General: not enough political will

The UN Secretary-General said at the conclusion of COP26 in Glasgow that there was “not enough political will to overcome some deep contradictions.“ In a...
Beyond Oil & Gas Alliance (BOGA

Denmark,  Sweden and Greenland in a new global alliance to seek...

Denmark and Costa Rica have taken the lead in launching the Beyond Oil & Gas Alliance (BOGA), which will seek to deliver a managed and just transition away from oil and gas production.  The alliance which was presented at COP26 also includes Sweden and Greenland from the Nordic countries, as well as France, Ireland, Quebec, and Wales as core members.

UN Secretary-General: Encouraging signs in Glasgow but not enough

The UN Secretary-General says that announcements on climate action at COP26 have been encouraging but are “far from enough.” “The emissions gap remains a devastating...