A-Z Site Index

ITU Photo Competition “Technology for Good”

Digital transformation is accelerating around the world where we live, work, learn and play. Yet, 2.9 billion people around the world are still not...

#Youth4Disarmament launches Pitching Peace Youth Music Challenge

The United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs is launching the Pitching Peace Youth Music Challenge, inviting young people to express their passion for peace through music. With financial support...

2022 Small Business Champions Competition

The Small Business Champions Competition was launched in 2021 by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the International Trade Centre (ITC) and the WTO...

World Food Day Poster Contest (ages 5-19)

If you’re aged between 5 and 19, we want to hear from you! Use your imagination and create a World Food Day poster showing...

Can digitalization improve the well-being of nations?

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the shift towards a more digital world. “The changes we make now will have lasting effects as the world...

Digital Inclusion Navigator: A platform to help bridge digital divide for...

The COVID-19 pandemic and other global crises have laid bare the need for digital inclusion, while also rolling back hard-won progress in the very...

Call for women in chemistry! UNICRI and OPCW

Within the framework of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) “Women in Chemistry” Project, funded by the European Union, the United Nations...

International art contest to highlight minority artists work on statelessness

On the occasion of the International Day Against Racial Discrimination 21 March 2022, the UN Human Rights Office, the UN Refugee Agency and the non-governmental...

Call for Nominations of the 2023 L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science...

Scientists around the world are invited to nominate candidates for the 2023 L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science (FWIS) International Awards. Created in 1998, the Awards honours -...

2022 PLURAL+ Youth Video Festival

The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) have announced the 2022 PLURAL+ Youth Video Festival call for video submissions, encouraging youth worldwide to...

A UN treaty on cybercrime en route

A UN treaty on cybercrime is after years of discussion finally on its way. The UN General Assembly voted in December 2019 to begin...

2022 International Literacy Prizes

UNESCO has opened its call for applications for the prestigious UNESCO International Literacy Prizes. All champions in the field of literacy learning are encouraged...

2022 Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads Photo Contest

UNESCO calls on young people around the world, aged 14 to 25 years old, to pick up their cameras and send their best photos...

#MyClimateAction photo and video competition

Actions are contagious, they can scale up to spur the collective change we need to tackle the climate crisis. Starting on Earth Day, join...

UN SDG Action Awards 2022

It is more important than ever to shine a spotlight on hope and togetherness – and on people making a difference everywhere – especially...