Sun-Smart UV App

A new SunSmart Global Ultraviolet Radiation App for mobile phones has been developed by leading health, radiation and weather organizations, with the support of WMO.  It provides geo-located 5-day UV and weather forecasts and sun protection times along with tailored notifications. The sun’s UV rays can impact vitamin D production, cause DNA damage, skin cancers and certain eye diseases, such as cataracts.

The ozone layer is on track to recovery, but the current levels of ozone depleting substances in the atmosphere still meant that the ozone hole will continue to reappear annually over the Antarctic and also the Arctic. If ozone-depleted air is transported to the middle latitudes, populated regions are exposed to increased level of harmful UV solar radiation.

WMO monitors the state of the ozone layer through its Global Atmosphere Watch programme. And it is committed to advancing integrated health services as part of its work with the World Health Organization to translate science into services for society.

SunSmart UV mobile app screenshotAs part of the implementation of this integrated health services plan, WMO has supported the “SunSmart Global UV” App, which was developed by world leading health, radiation and weather organizations and is now available globally in Google and Apple App stores.

« What makes this App unique is that it provides behavioral prompts to reduce the risks associated with UV exposure based on current UV levels in any location,” says WMO Secretary-General Prof. Petteri Taalas.

« We encourage the users in your country to utilize the application to ensure better health protection,” said Prof. Taalas in a circular letter to WMO Members.

The application allows inclusion of the national and local data streams in it and adaptation to other languages. It is available in the WMO’s official languages.


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