A-Z Site Index

The Antidote COVID-19 teaches players how to stay safe

Just as the COVID-19 pandemic is starting to sweep through the world, Antidote Laboratories receives a strange package. You are assigned to study it...

Fit for Life Photo Contest

To celebrate the launch of the Social and Human Science Sector’s new sport-based flagship, Fit for Life, UNESCO is organizing a photo contest to promote...

World Food Day Poster Contest (Age 5-19)

If you’re between the ages 5 to 19, take part in this World Food Day poster contest. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)...

Netflix and UNESCO short film competition

Netflix and UNESCO have launched an innovative short film competition on ‘African Folktales, Reimagined’ across Sub-Saharan Africa. Winners of the competition will be trained...

Google teams up with UN for verified climate information

Millions of people around the world go to Google to get information about climate change and sustainability. Later this month, when users search for...

European Union equips marginalized UNRWA students in Jordan with tablets for...

Education is a powerful tool and fundamental in helping every child achieve their full potential. As COVID-19 continues to disrupt education systems worldwide, digital...

International Union of Architects 2030 Award

The International Union of Architects (UIA), in partnership with UN-Habitat, has launched the UIA 2030 Award to promote the work of architects contributing to delivery of...

UNESCO joins Minecraft’s latest ‘Global Build Challenge’

UNESCO is joining Minecraft on the ‘Global Build Challenge 2021: Making Peace with Nature’, as part of its programme to engage students worldwide to...

Minecraft/UNESCO Global Build Challenge: Peace with Nature

Join Minecraft and UNESCO in a global build competition to design sustainable solutions for your communities that help us live in harmony with nature....

WHO and Angry Birds Friends team up for World Mental Health...

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought on new realities for many of us, such as working from home, temporary unemployment, home-schooling of children, and lack...

James Stock on Making it Cheaper to be Green (IMF Podcasts)

Most economists would agree a carbon tax is a powerful tool in fighting climate change, but carbon pricing alone is not enough. As green...
United Nations Public Service Awards banner

United Nations Public Service Awards 2022

The United Nations Public Service Awards is the most prestigious international recognition of excellence in public service. It rewards the creative achievements and contributions of public...
2021 UN Secretary-General Awards banner

UN Secretary-General Awards 2021

The Secretary-General Awards honour and recognize significant performance of UN Secretariat personnel and teams who go beyond the call of duty in the discharge...

Mobile Film Festival: one-minute films to “make peace with nature”

Once again, the United Nations is supporting the Mobile Film Festival, an international competition featuring one-minute films shot on mobile phones.  This year's theme, "making...

WHO, Facebook and Praekelt.Org provide critical mobile access to COVID-19 information...

WHO is working with Facebook and Praekelt.Org to provide WHO’s COVID-19 information to the world’s most vulnerable people through Discover and Free Basics in...